I remember, quite vividly, being left alone in the delivery room with him only an hour or so after his not-so-easy-and-way-too-long birth. I cried, sobbed really, as I looked into his beautiful face and knew with great certainty that my heart had somehow grown bigger than the universe. And every day since, I think it has stretched a little more!
Here's my top five about Jake...
1) He has a true passion for film, and despite our TV/movie viewing time restrictions and limitations, the boy can relate EVERYTHING to something he saw on a "show." Almost all of his conversations are regarding his experiences with film or contain quotes from his favorite characters.
2) He's a smart one (and I'm not biased in any way) despite my lack of teaching. He writes his name and all his letters, reads several dozen words by sight, and can sound out even more even though noone has taught him such skills. His favorite book is his Young Reader's Bible.
3) He still has a lisp when saying words with "s" in them. It's especially prominent when he is laughing or excited while talking and it makes me smile!!
4) He loves his brothers immensly. His first questions of the day often relate to the status of his brothers and his first morning talk towards them is precious with delicate, happy tones!
5) He is quietly thoughtful and reflects on things in depth. He thinks about other people throughout his day and wonders what they may be doing. I can also always count on him to ask Heath, Hudson or I "How was your day?" when we arrive home from work/school!
What a sweet, sweet boy. One more thing about Jake: He's got two fans named Jackson and Luke. They both love Jake so much. And I have this conversation with Jackson all the time...Beth: "Where did you hear that?" Jackson: "Jake taught me that." It's all good stuff of course!
Happy Birthday Jake! I love his lisp too. Danny and I laugh at one time he was at our house eating a hotdog and he said with his little lisp and lots of excitement - "it's a weiner!"! It warmed my heart (and made me giggle a little bit).
He is precious. I can't believe he is already five!
Those middle boys are awesome...so tender-hearted/accident prone/victims of greater and lesser crimes. Precious boy.
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