Friday, September 7, 2007

Here They Come to Save the Day...

Have you ever, mid-bath, needed the professional services of a hero? A few years ago a friend of ours delivered her second child in the bathtub, not by choice, with the help of a nice fireman. And I recently read a blog comment (#26) by June who found her pregnant belly wedged in a narrow bathtub, screaming for help...The military police had to come and unwedge her from the tub, naked and all. This proves that there is true trouble involved in bathing.

And that is why our bathtub is fully manned at all times. Should you ever find yourself in peril while soaking, dreaming, relaxing or splashing in the tub -- THEY will be there!

So really, Heath had cleaned the bathtub while I was at work the other day...And when I stumbled in at midnight after a 16 hour shift, this sight in our bathroom made me smile! Heroes abound...


Beth Hames said...

Haha! So funny. Heath is a hero for cleaning the bathtub!

twarpula said...

Wow Jonna, I don't know how you'll take a bath with all those men watching you!