Thursday, October 11, 2007

100 Random Meanderings

Kim was brave to dish it out, so here’s my effort at 100 things. Don’t worry if you fall asleep a few facts in…I did.

  1. My initial world entry occurred in Aggieland more than 30 years ago.
  2. But I am a UT Alumna.
  3. After a few too many years, with over 220 credit hours, and 7 ½ months pregnant with child #2 -they finally graduated me with Honors.
  4. We’ll be paying for it for another 20 years or so.
  5. Both the education and the kid.
  6. I love to read.
  7. It is my favorite thing about road trips.
  8. I haven’t traveled by airplane since my honeymoon almost 11 years ago.
  9. And my mother-in-law is a flight attendant.
  10. I met Heath on my 15th birthday.
  11. David Walker was there.
  12. He was there on our first date, too.
  13. And the second.
  14. We married a little over 5 years (and lots of drama) later.
  15. David was there then, too.
  16. For more than a third of our marriage, Heath has slept in someone else’s bed.
  17. It’s a behavior he doesn’t plan to stop.
  18. I love chocolate.
  19. And cake.
  20. Cookies, too.
  21. My sister wants me to make brownies with beets in them.
  22. I firmly believe vegetables should remain separate from dessert.
  23. She has chocolate chip cookies with hulled chick peas in them.
  24. She is saving one for me. Can’t wait.
  25. I didn’t drink coffee (or even caffeine, really) until I was 29+.
  26. Now I don’t even try to get through the day without at least one cup.
  27. I eat my skittles in colorogical order. Yellow. Orange. Green. Purple. Then red.
  28. There is usually at least one skittle in every bag that has the wrong color shell.
  29. I have a fabric fetish.
  30. One for wrapping paper, too.
  31. When I finally crack one day, you’ll surely find me buried in them both…
  32. I was baptized into Christ when I was 12.
  33. On a Sunday night in August.
  34. By my father.
  35. It was the 80s, so I had on two pairs of colored socks, layered opposite each other. And my pant legs were strategically rolled.
  36. It bothers me that I remember that.
  37. My grandmother introduced me and my cousins to sewing as children.
  38. I love to sew.
  39. I call it my sanity. It makes my brain work.
  40. I sing – loudly – while doing my chores, driving alone, sewing or crafting.
  41. Usually traditional church hymns.
  42. Like ‘How Great Thou Art’ and ‘It Is Well With My Soul’.
  43. I still call them chores because I do not enjoy them.
  44. Especially on Wednesdays.
  45. Wednesday is bathroom day.
  46. I gained 46 pounds with my first pregnancy.
  47. But lost 51.
  48. Gained 36 with Jake.
  49. Another 35 with Cole.
  50. Still holding on to some of that.
  51. My children are a joy.
  52. Really. They are. All three of them.
  53. I wear contacts. Have for 17 years.
  54. Wore glasses for the 5 years before that.
  55. I want Lasik.
  56. I hate going to the dentist.
  57. I would rather be giving drug-free birth than sitting in the dentist chair (Sorry Jessica).
  58. I think too much.
  59. I have always wanted my hair to be long enough to cover my boobs.
  60. But as my hair gets longer, so do my boobs.
  61. The boys were worth it. All three of them.
  62. I love their hugs and kisses.
  63. I hate that I bite my fingernails with tenacity.
  64. I stopped once for 9 months and 3 days.
  65. When I eat a snickers bar, I nibble the chocolate off of the top and sides first, then bite into the creamy nougat, caramel, and peanutty layer.
  66. It isn’t pretty.
  67. I hated strawberries as a child.
  68. Now I enjoy them - almost daily.
  69. My current favorite song is Casting Crowns’ East to West.
  70. Because God DID cast my sin as far as the east is from the west.
  71. I like the idea of exercising, but don’t actually do any.
  72. I wish I was an accountant.
  73. Or a SnoCone salesperson.
  74. I am still in love with my husband.
  75. He loves me, too.
  76. I miss him when he’s gone.
  77. But I don’t miss his laundry. (Is that wrong?)
  78. My favorite color is green. Not grass green or mint green. A deep 70s style avocado green.
  79. I like pretty things.
  80. Even when I’m lonely, I know God is holding onto me.
  81. I am a sucker for a real bargain and have a stash of junk to prove it.
  82. I rarely spend more than $14.99 on any one item – including clothing and shoes.
  83. I can’t wait for Super Target to open next week.
  84. I love to plan things and have great ideas, but rarely have time/energy/effort to make them happen.
  85. But my intentions are good.
  86. I wish that I did more for people.
  87. I can’t draw to save my life, but love the idea of graphic design.
  88. In my dream world, I would be a fabric designer.
  89. And a clean freak.
  90. And a mother of three. My three even.
  91. I procrastinate royally.
  92. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
  93. I have a list of projects that I have purchased supplies for or started that may never actually get finished. See #84 and #91.
  94. My brains fell out somewhere around the birth of my second child.
  95. Occasionally I will find a piece of them lying around.
  96. The other bed belongs to the fire department (for those of you still unsure).
  97. In third grade, me and Leslie Linares would leave our elementary school campus and go to special classes at the University of Houston.
  98. There were alligators there for some reason.
  99. God has blessed us with three unbelievably amazing and energetic boys that I couldn’t be prouder to raise!
  100. I can’t remember any of their names when it is important. The inevitable Hud-Ja-Cole studder of molded names breaks free, at least.

Thanks for pressing on through the random, useless, facts...And I look forward to reading your lists.


Jennifer said...

Jonna, I love you even more! Thanks for the glimpse into your twisted, quirky, and funny ways. That whole chocolate bar thing sounds disgusting though.

Beth Hames said...

HAHAHA!!!!! Can you hear me laughing over here on Abilene Trail?!?! #60 hahahahaha

CM said...

That is a fantastic list! I love the part about wanting long hair...

simply fabulous said...

Thanks for sharing! I did not think you list was boring and I learned more about you!

Andrea said...

I love it! You are awesome in every one of your 100 ways.