Monday, October 15, 2007

The BIG Elk Hunter

Cole woke up in an especially argumentative mood today. He fought me (and his brothers) on EVERYTHING that he could possible argue about.

He repeatedly and insistently persisted that it was NOT Monday.

He argued with me about whether or not there was milk in his cereal (after I clearly poured it in).

He argued about if he was holding my neck too tightly while he rode me piggyback.

When I told him he was a sleepy boy after a big yawn, he told me very loudly that he was NOT sleepy, he was tired...

So I wasn't at all surprised when he and Jake started arguing when I picked them up from "school" today.

Cole: Can we go see Daddy?

Jake: No, Daddy's not here.

Cole: Daddy is at REI.

Jake: No he's not. He's at Colorado.

Cole: NO HE'S NOT, JAKEY. He's a BIG Elk Hunter.

Jake: Yeah. He used to be a firefighter, but now he's an elk hunter, right Mom?

You think that this is his way of breaking me in nicely? Now wouldn't that just make Heath the happiest guy ever...But something tells me BIG Elk Hunting wouldn't quite get the bills paid!

Just in case you are wondering...I finally heard from Heath late last night!!! While I am accustomed to him being gone for long periods of time, I think these last 5 days are the longest period of time that we have gone without some sort of brief correspondence...Just the sound of his voice brought on uncontrollable sobs of joy! And the word is no elk yet. Maybe next week....?


simply fabulous said...

I am so glad you finally heard from him. I would have been a total basket case!

LJ said...

I'm glad you finally got to talk to Heath. Give me a call this week. We should get together! :)

Beth Hames said...

Colorado is kind of like a giant REI.

Jennifer said...

Could we maybe test Campbell and Cole for some rare disease that actual alters their perception of the obvious and heightens their argumentative nature? Maybe there is a medication for it.

CM said...

Oh wow, what a manly thing to be the BIG elk hunter. Heath will be very proud (and all of our husbands very jealous).