Friday, November 2, 2007

The Space Ranger, The Captain, and The Sheriff

Our last few weeks have been too busy with baseball tournaments, wedding fun, Hudson's school carnival, work, and so much more. And with all my hats piled on furiously at once - mommy, personal shopper, NICU nurse, room-mom, housekeeper, home health nurse, wife, preceptor, personal chef, bag creator, special dietitian, chauffeur, PTA member, baseball cheerleader times two, and on and on - something had to give. As a result, this over-extended mom of three crazy boys let Halloween sneak up on us this year...It came fast and furious and left me scrambling!

The boys had changed their minds 7 or 8 times each regarding their chosen identity for the big day. Every time one of them would settle on something long enough for me to start preparing to make such a costume, they would report that they no longer wanted to transform themselves into that particular chosen subject...So eventually, I caved into the pressure of sanity, and with only days left until the big day 'o candy, I BOUGHT them costumes (gasp)!

I know, I know, it was hard for me to swallow, too, but the shock and surprise soon passes. It was, no doubt, harder on me than it was on them. The three boys certainly didn't care, and in fact, probably preferred the instant gratification of forking over the cash - there were no creative adventures to the boring fabric store, no fittings, no panicked fear of the dreaded straight pin during such fittings, and no waiting at the foot of my sewing table for the finished product to appear as they have experienced over the past halloweens! Nevertheless, they were cute - err, brave and daring in appearance - all dressed up.

Our after school schedule just hadn't offered time for all of the usual leading-up-to-halloween fun activities. We had picked out a pumpkin, but no actual carving, painting, or otherwise decorating of the fall gourd had taken place. We had not put out our halloween decor. We hadn't even made and decorated our halloween cookies or cupcakes.

So after school on Halloween, we tried to tackle what we could. I put out minimal decoration as to not appear non-celebratory. The attempt to make our annual cookies went sadly ary -producing only 4 cookies that were viable - one for each of us to decorate. The pumpkin remains uncarved with the promise that we will carve it this weekend when we are all together - a mere 3 days after Halloween! I love that our kids are so flexible and, well, just don't notice the things that I might consider shortcomings in myself...They just have a blast and don't care what Martha Stewart might say about my inability to make the perfect holiday memory. In the end, the family time is what is important to me and I'm so glad that it is enough for them, too.

Cole had been sick the entire week prior to halloween and remained sick through the time of candy gathering - and beyond. Still, he dressed the part and the three of them and I set out to embark on path paved by candy. They had so much fun knocking on doors and collecting their stash...especially Hudson and Jake. Cole made it through about 10 houses before he found a place in my arms with his head on my shoulder. He wanted so badly to go trick-or-treating, but the week long tummy trouble had taken his stamina. I loved though, how Hudson still gathered candy for him - without prompting from me. I also so much loved watching Hudson and Jake together at each door. They would get their treat, say their thank-yous, and then Hudson would place his arm around Jake or put his hand on the small of his back and lead them back down the sidewalk - a precious sight of brotherly love! Who knew Captain Jack had it in him...

Captain Jack Sparrow

Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit

Sherriff Woody

They came home with more candy than we could ever eat. I'm sure the sugar high will be present for some time to will the pleadings for more candy consumption and the agony of choosing which piece to indulge in when mom caves to the pressure of the repeated and spirited requests throughout the days!


LJ said...

The boys look great! I understand caving to the store-bought costume too... I did this year as well :( Looks like you had tons of fun with the boys though! And that's what's important!

Kim said...

The boys look great. I am sure you got TONs of candy. I hope Cole is better. You are one busy Mommy!

Jennifer said...

Our uncarved pumpkin says "hello"! Oh well, story of our lives...better late than never but sometimes better never than going insane.

Beth Hames said...

Jonna, don't feel bad, I personnally think Halloween is overrated. And I have never remotely come close to thinking about even possibly entertaining the idea of making a homemade costume. BTW, I can't wait for Jackson to wake up from his nap to show him Jake and Cole's costume pics. He'll be so excited. (Actually I hope he sleeps for several more hours, but it will still be fun to show him the pics.)

JessBless said...

I love how you tell a story when you write. I sure hope that sweet little Cole is starting to get better. Hudson is quite the perfect pirate. And, Jake, well he takes the cake. That boy is just too adorable at Woody. I think they all chose perfectly for their sweet little personalities. What fun memories!