Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pick-A, Pick-A Pumpkin from the Pile...

With baseball, school, and work schedules in full swing, a trip to the "real" pumpkin patch just wasn't feasible for us this year...so instead we made a trip to the local landscaping shop - turned seasonal hot spot! We had fun climbing through the pumpkins and coming to some sort of concensus on which size, shape, stem, and weight our family pumpkin should be. Ultimately, Hudson convinced his brothers to settle on the pumpkin he wanted!

They also had a hay stack maze that the boys really had fun tackling...They ran through it, over it, in it and around it over and over again, chasing each other through the maze! So much fun!!


simply fabulous said...

So cute! I love seeing pics of your boys!

Beth Hames said...

Awesome pictures!

CM said...

Your boys are getting so old! The picture of Jake at the bottom of your post is so cute - I was struck by 2 things. #1 - he looks a ton like Hudson in that picture, #2, he looks like he his legs are so super long! You captured some really great pictures of all three of them...

JessBless said...

On the list of "hats" you wear, you need to add photographer and story teller. You do both so perfectly well.