Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Dish on Heath

So Andrea tagged me about Heath…Here's what I know!

1. Who is your husband? He is an amazing father, wonderful husband, caring community servant, my one true friend, a child of God, and many other wonderful things that make him special.

2. How long have you known each other? More than half of my life...We met on my 15th birthday almost 16 years ago.

3. How long dated? We dated a little over a year, then broke it off for a couple of years. Then we dated again for another two years or so before we married.

4. How old is your husband? 32

5. Who eats more? He eats more real food and I eat more sweets.

6. Who said "I love you" first? Way back when, I think he did. The second time around I think that I spilled out “but I loved you” during a cruel practical joke he was playing on me.

7. Who is taller? Heath, by a mere ½ inch or so.

8.Who sings better? Me.

9. Who is smarter? Depends on what we are talking about. I probably have more book smarts, but he has a much larger practical/applied knowledge base. Most of the questions the boys ask can be better answered by him…like “is fire a solid, liquid or gas”, “what are paratroopers parachutes made out of”, “how deep are the gutters”, or “how does electricity work”, etc. His brain holds all of that (and much more) effortlessly whereas I don’t have a clue about such things. Although he probably wouldn't ace a standardized test like I might, he can figure trajectory in his head , safely wire a room, draw building plans without any formal training, name the cloud types and their "meanings", describe the inner working of a combustion engine, etc. If those things were required of me, I would accidently kill us all...I can tackle things like calculus, spelling, grammar, etc. but can put very little of it to actual practical use.

10. Who's temper is worse? Probably his.

11. Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but he will if it needs to be done and I haven’t done it.

12. Who takes out the garbage? Whomever is home when it needs taking out.

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does from the perspective of laying down, I do if you are standing at the foot of it.

14. Who pays the bills? I do. Always have and hate it…Although I don’t think I could give it over at this point.

15. Who is better with the computer? Toss up. I definitely used to be, but have little opportunity to do anything other than web surfing and blogging these days. He understands and keeps up more with new technology…

16. Who mows the lawn? Almost always Heath, but I have been known to do it if it needs to be done and he is not available. We are waiting for our natural born lawn crew to come of age...

17. Who cooks dinner? If I’m home, I do. If I’m at work, Heath does.

18. Who drives when you are together? Heath.

19. Who pays when you go out? Usually Heath.

20. Who is most stubborn? We’re both stubborn, but in totally different ways. He is more out-rightly stubborn, I’m more of a passive-aggressive kind of stubborn.

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Probably me. But I’m also usually the first to point out when he is wrong.

22. Whose parents do you see the most? I think we see them both pretty equally.

23. Who kissed who first? Heath, of course, kissed me first.

24. Who asked who out? The first time around we were kind of set up. The second time around I asked him out – I needed a prom date my senior year as mine had bailed on me less than a week before prom.

25. Who proposed? Heath did.

26. Who is more sensitive? Me. Without a doubt.

27. Who has more friends? Heath does.

28. Who has more siblings? Me. I have one brother and one sister. He has one brother.

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Looking at the overall picture, Heath does. There are some things that are dictated more by me and others that are dictated more by him, but our decisions are usually discussed until there is unanimous resolution.

30. What is something that most people don't know about your husband? He is ambidextrous in almost all things (eating, writing, shooting, etc.).

31. What do you love most about your husband? He is really good at seeing and reaching out to people (usually strangers) that need help – and he doesn’t hesitate to offer his help…both in little and big ways. He has a true servant heart!

I'll tag....Jessica D.

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