Monday, September 24, 2007

My Monkey is Three!

Cole turned three last Friday! Part of me thinks, "Wow! Where has the time baby is growing up!" and the other part of me wonders "can you believe he is only three...WHAT are we in for?"

Those of you who know him know exactly what I mean. He is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest, most fun little angel of a child. Really, he is. When he wants to be. Otherwise, he is a ball of energy, opinion, and daring independence. Always has been.

Here are ten of my favorite thoughts about Cole:

1) He loves his brothers immensely and doesn't hesitate to tell them so.

2) He knows his ABCs, can count to 14 correctly (but continues on with random numbers indefinately), and sings random songs all day long.

3) He loves to dance (but, alas, rhythm has failed him, too).

4) He pays more attention to the things going on around him than you would ever know by watching him.

5) He is passionate about baseball, firefighting, and "fixing" things.

6) He calls Jake "Jakey" without fail.

7) He will adamantly tell you that he is 5, not 3. Hudson is 3.

8) His favorite game is playing "Dad and Son" with Jakey.

9) All of his prayers include the words "everything and everything" followed by a little giggle. I like to think it's an intimately private joke he carries on with God.

10) There is nothing he won't try.

11)He has freckles on his nose that make me smile inside. And a single dimple on his right cheek when he smiles. He also kind of crosses his eyes at you when he is playfully disagreeing with you or is casually angry.

(I couldn't stop at just 10...)


Beth Hames said...

Everything and everything - haha. So cute.

Jennifer said...


JessBless said...

Cole is so adorable.